
Lygya Maya article #3

From the book "Love the Emotions you Hate"

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Chapter 2: Why and For What Emotions exist

By Lygya Maya........

Emotions exist because we need to release energy created by thoughts and desires. They were created to help us to act and react toward situations and needs, choose and make decisions, connect us with everything and everyone, to learn and to protect, to release and to attract energy, and finally to evolve.

Each emotion gives us a distinct signal to act or react according to the situation we are dealing with. They also help us to feel that we are alive. We can experience our emotions and learn about them. If you do not use them properly we can die inside, and may even be emotionally paralyzed.

This happened to a girl named Myra who felt numb toward love for her father. She thought that after her father left her mother and her homeless, at the age of 9 - it made no sense to love him, and she hated him for several years. She lived most of her youth forgetting her father, thinking she was indifferent to the one who gave her life. She never mentioned his name during conversations, and when the subject came up, reacted coolly and changed the subject. At age 45, she came to the conclusion that her hatred came from the deep love and frustration she had as a child, for the man whom she loved most and trusted in childhood. As an attempt to clarify her father's inexplicable abandonment, she decided to search for him without success. After a while she learned that her father had died at the same exact time she was searching for him. Who knows, perhaps Myra's father and her had a telepathic connection?

The two most important facts of this story are: one- she decided to give vent to her feelings and stopped feeling numb. And two - she finally consented to the sadness and frustration to surface and she "changed". Upon discovering that her father died, she felt that she could work on this emotional lesson with realistic facts in mind, and it would help her efforts to be emotionally released more deeply.

A good comparison of release and control is when we hear a joke and we laugh out loud. In general, most people do it, letting what you feel inside flow. Whereas when something happens that we do not like, we tend to control our feelings immediately, out of shame or fear of recrimination from others.

We can use our emotions as much to destroy us as to strengthen us.

Regardless of the challenges we have around us we can change things for better. To prove my point, I would like to share with you the fantastic story of a young man named Nick Vujicic, so you grasp how someone can use any emotional situation to benefit their life in a huge manner.

Some people use logic and emotion in spades. This was the case of this young man, famous for his message on the Internet around the world. He was born in Australia, missing two legs and two arms.

One day I watched one of his videos and his presentation made me cry. I saw an example of strength and determination that touched me deeply to my heart. In the video, the scene showed his fallen little body on the desk of a school. He asked his audience, composed of adolescent students:

"When you fall, what you do?" "We get up!" - they all said at once. "Of course! Everyone knows how to get up, right?" Nick said smiling.

Most said yes. He continued, this time with a more serious tone and said:

"But there are moments in life when we fall, we don't find enough strength to get up." At this point, the camera panned the faces of astonished eyes, fixed on the body of Nick slumped on the table, and very curious about his words. "As I'm lying here on the table face down, without arms and legs, it seems impossible to imagine I can stand up, right?" The audience went absolutely silent, mesmerized by Nick's words. Nobody answered.

"Pay attention. Even if I lift my body 100 times and 100 times my body falls, if I lose hope to get up, do you think I'm going to get up?"

The audience remained mute, motionless, and some were crying ... He continued;

"But if I keep doing my best again and again and yet again, I just want to tell you that is not the end. What matters is how you will finish the task. Will you end with power? When you find your inner strength, you can get up like this ..."

After saying that, Nick vigorously rolled his torso to the right, put his head in the sound box on the edge of the table, pushed his hip with a tremendous physical effort. Then, forced his neck, and finally got up. After his effort, he looked at the audience proud of his achievement, and was applauded by everyone, shocked by what seemed impossible to achieve. Afterwards a reporter asked him why he decided to travel the world giving lectures, if it seemed to be such a physical sacrifice for him. Nick's response was:

"If I'd decided to stay at home feeling useless because of my physical weakness, I would be nothing more than a loner. I would be a human vegetable. I would do nothing to improve my life or the lives of others, I would never contribute spiritually. And my life would be the most boring and cold a human being could have. Why live like this? It is not worth it."

I hope that like me, you feel inspired by this example and use Nick's principle to stand up, to be proud of yourself and your achievements, be them small or large, it does not matter. What really counts is that we have the choice to rise and go towards a better future, learning along the path we decide to create.

We can and should have a life crowned with success, and the key is to choose the emotions to which we give priority. In Nick's case, he preferred the glory and courage instead of defeat and fear. And you? What emotions will you choose to feel?

Life is about the power of choice and the decision that we have in our hands:

To cope better with such a powerful emotional process as Nick decided to go through, we should allow our emotions to serve as a guide for all purposes mentioned above, assuming that we feel deeply and react in a positive way, honoring the natural process of things. In other words, when we feel an emotion as a result of an action, we should respond naturally, without trying to control or block the feelings, so we can have positive results. If we do that, we won't have to resist the usual uncomfortable feelings, because the natural process will have passed easily, without an explosion of aggression due to expressing accumulated feelings. Anger occurs due to the accumulation of emotional energy, like rubbish that was never recycled. Things that are made and spoken by explosive people can be regretted by them later. We can avoid all this if we decide to practice the emotional process in a positive way.

When we react with a person or situation at the right level, at the right time, with the right intentions, and in a positive way, it means we finally achieved emotional maturity.

Solutions to learn more about the emotions:

- Ask yourself more about them.

- Read more about them.

- Feel more, without restrictions.

* See addendum exercises # 1 at the end of the book, if you want to exercise emotionally.

This is chapter #2 from the book entitled "Love the Emotions You Hate!" by Lygya Maya. To purchase this book, please click here.

Lygya Maya.


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